Pop-up Food Pantry Concerts: Supporting Musicians & Serving the Community
As we navigate this unprecedented time in a difficult pandemic, our lives are turned upside down and we struggle to figure out how to help those in deep financial, mental, and physical distress. From a safe social distance, Riverview Chamber Players is reaching out through music by performing outdoor pop-up chamber music concerts near food pantry lines in Greater Boston towns hit hard by COVID-19. We serve those who ordinarily lack access to classical chamber music, with the goal of providing comfort and healing.
Concerts sponsored by the Friends of Riverview Chamber Players.
Rebecca Strauss, Healthy Waltham pantry
Michael Hustedde, The Open Pantry of Greater Lowell
"The music Riverview Chamber Players perform at the Allston Brighton Food Pantry is part of the overall display of unconditional love that our church community creates on each distribution day."
—Richard Stroshane,
Church Administrator, Brighton-Allston Congregational Church
Beth Welty, Healthy Waltham pantry
"Playing at the food pantry concerts has been the most meaningful activity of this pandemic for me. I am quite sure the receivers of these musical performances are appreciative, so it is a
win-win situation. The importance of these pop-up concerts cannot be over-stated.
Live music heals!"
—Margaret Phillips, bassoonist
Margaret Phillips, Healthy Waltham pantry
"Playing at the RCP was honestly one of the most uplifting experiences of my summer! To have the opportunity to play live music for our local community brings nothing but joy. Folks coming together in our common humanity, bonding through shared experience (in this case music and sunshine), with no need for words... whether playing or listening, everyone is nourished. I can’t wait to return!"
—Jenny Stirling, violinist
Michael Hustedde, Healthy Waltham pantry
"It is not enough to be compassionate.
You must act."
—Dalai Lama
Rebecca Strauss, Healthy Waltham pantry