What do Buckingham Palace, Rebecca Strauss, and healing music have in common?
Rebecca Strauss, Music Director of Riverview Chamber Players, tests the acoustics in the Grand Entrance of Buckingham Palace prior to the...
My Heart Breaks
I'm feeling angry, sad, frustrated, overwhelmed, and scared. Why? I just heard about another school shooting. My heart breaks for the...
My Heart is Breaking
My heart is breaking for all those recently killed in the mass shooting in Texas. Mass shootings in a church in Texas, a concert in Las...
Riverview Chamber Players: Connecting with Las Vegas
Riverview Chamber Players recently played at a beautiful wedding on Nantucket. The wedding couple was from Las Vegas. Only two days...
Harmony & Hope in the News
Waltham News Tribune March 6, 2017 BUILDING COMMUNITY: Waltham resident’s concert series targets urban gun violence By Ignacio Laguarda...
Music4Healing--Help Make it Happen!
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Harmony & Hope: Concert VIII Excerpts
In late 2015 I started designing Harmony & Hope. Like so many of us, I had been overwhelmed by the number of shootings in our country and...
Harmony & Hope: Concert II Excerpts
May you remember those who have suffered the loss of loved ones killed by violence as you listen and watch the following excerpts....
Harmony & Hope: Concert III Excerpts
Harmony & Hope was designed as a day of music to ease the pain in our hearts, to remember the love of those who were killed, and to give...
Responding to Violence with Music
Gun violence affects every sector of our society. Innocent people are being killed in our homes, on our streets, in our schools,...