Harmony, Hope, Peace, Trust, Courage...
Come and experience Harmony & Hope on Sunday, May 6th at 3pm at First Church in Roxbury. You will leave feeling uplifted and hopeful....

Harmony & Hope on Boston Network News
Riverview Chamber Players and Legacy Lives On give a passionate introduction to Harmony & Hope on Boston Network News Rebecca Strauss and...

My Heart Breaks
I'm feeling angry, sad, frustrated, overwhelmed, and scared. Why? I just heard about another school shooting. My heart breaks for the...

The Only Response to Violence is Art
"...This will be our reply to violence: to make music more intensely, more beautifully, more devotedly than ever before." - Leonard...

Photos from the Second Annual Harmony & Hope Concert, May 7, 2017
#NewEnglandGospelEnsemble #RiverviewChamberPlayers #shawpongliu #RafaelPopperKeizer #ReneseKing #HarmonyHope #GospelMusic #ChamberMusic...
Harmony & Hope in the News
Waltham News Tribune March 6, 2017 BUILDING COMMUNITY: Waltham resident’s concert series targets urban gun violence By Ignacio Laguarda...